IGA - Workshops

IGA Workshops

IGA/AMSI Workshop, Australia-China-Japan-Singapore-U.S. Index Theory Conference, June 24-28, 2024.
cIGA/AMSI Workshop, Analysis on Manifolds, September 30 - October 4, 2019.
IGA/AMSI Workshop, Index theory and applications to positive scalar curvature and related areas, June 4-8, 2018.
IGA/AMSI Workshop, Australia-China conference in noncommutative geometry and related areas, December 18-22, 2017.
IGA/AMSI Workshop, Gauge Theory and Higher Geometry: A conference honouring Michael Murray's contributions to mathematics, 27 November-1 December 2017.
IGA/AMSI Workshop, String Geometries and Dualities, September 11-15, 2017.
IGA/AMSI Workshop, Topological Matter, Strings, K-theory and related areas, 26-30 September 2016
IGA/AMSI Workshop, Australia-Japan Geometry, Analysis and their applications, 19-23 October, 2015
IGA/AMSI Workshop, Geometric Quantisation, 27-31 July, 2015
IGA/AMSI Workshop, Symmetries and Spinors - Interactions between Geometry and Physics, 13-17 April, 2015
IGA Mini-Workshop, Aspects of Finsler Geometry, 31 October-1 November, 2013
IGA/AMSI Workshop, Representation Theory and Operator Algebras, 1-5 July, 2013
IGA Workshop, Current Groups and Twisted K-theory, 2-5 April, 2013
IGA/AMSI Workshop, Geometry of Supermanifolds , 15-19 October, 2012
IGA/AMSI Workshop, Dualities in Field Theories and the Role of K-Theory, 19-23 March, 2012
IGA/AMSI Workshop, The Mathematical Implications of Gauge-String Dualities, 5-9 March, 2012
IGA/AMSI Workshop, Group-Valued Moment Maps with Applications to Mathematics and Physics, 5-9 September, 2011
IGA/AMSI Workshop, Dirac Operators in Geometry, Topology, Representation Theory, and Physics, 18-22 October, 2010
Workshop on New Currents in Geometry in Australia, 16-18 November 2009
Mini Winter School, "Geometry and Physics 2009", 20-22 July, 2009
Workshop on Complex Geometry , 16-20 February, 2009
Workshop on Several Complex Variables and Complex Geometry , 11-12 August, 2007
IGA satellite workshop to, "Mathematics of String Theory 2006" , Thursday 27 July, 2006
AMSI/CMA/IGA Instructional Program and Workshop entitled, "Mathematics of String Theory 2006" held at ANU, Canberra, , 13-23 July, 2006
Workshop on Finite Geometry and Design Theory, 12-14/12/2005
Workshop entitled "Geometry and Physics" in honour of Keith Hannabuss's 60th birthday , 11/04/05
Workshop on Incidence Geometry and Applications of Discrete Mathematics, 14-16/2/2005
Workshop entitled "Noncommutative geometry and string theory", 13-15/10/04
Workshop entitled "Strings and Mathematics 2004", 29-30/03/04
Workshop on Incidence Geometry, 9-12/12/03
Workshop entitled "Strings and Mathematics 2003", 26-28/05/03
Incidence Geometry and Information Security Applications    20/01/03-23/01/03
Mini Spring School entitled "An introduction to the Mathematics of String Theory", 18-22/11/02
Workshop on Noncommutative Geometry and the fractional quantum Hall effect, 2/08/02-6/08/02
Workshop on Differential Geometry    25/03/02-27/03/02
Workshop on Noncommutative Geometry, K-theory, and String Theory 7/01/02-8/01/02
Topics on Algebraic, Symplectic and Non-commutative Geometry 26/4/01
Workshop on Projective Geometry and its Applications 3-5/1/01
Summer Workshop on Geometry and Topology 3-5/1/01
Lie 2000: Lie Groups, Algebraic Groups, Quantum Groups and their Representations 5-8/12/00
Impromptu Differential Geometry Workshop 18/8/00 and 25/8/00
New Developments in Lattice Gauge Theory 4-5/4/00
Workshop on Finite and Topological Geometry and Related Topics    17-21/1/00
Kruskal 2000 3-7/1/00
Fractional quantum Hall effect on the eve of the new millennium   16-20/8/99
Workshop on Difference Equations 9/4/99
Workshop on Geometry and Physics 12-14/1/99
Finite Geometry Summer School on Projective and Polar Geometry   11-15/1/99
Summer School on Differential Equations in Geometry and Physics   8-11/12/98
Methods in Projective Geometries 13-17/7/98
PDEs and Analysis 13/3/98
Techniques in Projective and Polar Spaces 12-16/1/98
Symplectic and Complex Geometry 27-28/11/97
Analytic and Geometric Themes in Nonlinear Mathematics 1-3/10/97
Vertex Operator Algebras in Mathematics and Physics 8-10/9/97
Finite Geometr y 1-5/9/97
Topical Workshop on Geometry and Physics 7-11/7/97
Finite Geometry 19/3/97
Differential Geometry 2/12/96
Finite Geometry 13/11/96

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