First Nonlinear Mathematics Network Meeting and Workshop
                    1 - 3 October 1997

    "Analytic and Geometric Themes in Nonlinear Mathematics"

        The aim of this meeting and workshop is to explore major
        open questions and challenges in the areas
        of nonlinear differential and difference equations
        and geometry. There will be pedagogic lectures as well
        as informal disscussions. The main aims are
          + to communicate across conventional barriers
          + to identify major open problems in nonlinear mathematics
          + to evolve a common toolbox towards answers

   Major speakers include
        Peter A. Clarkson       (Kent, UK)
        Elizabeth Mansfield     (Kent, UK)

   The location is the University of Adelaide.

The meeting will start at the end of the Computational Techniques
and Applications Conference (CTAC'97) (U. of Adelaide, 29 Sept-1 Oct'97)
after lunch on Wednesday 1 Oct '97.

The meeting and workshop are supported by a special research
initiative of the Australian Research Council entitled
"Nonlinear Mathematics Network and National
Centre for Mathematics" and the Institute
for Geometry and its Applications at the University of Adelaide.
Further information about the network may be found at

Partial financial support to attend the meeting
will be available to those
with well identified pure or applied
mathematical interests in nonlinear differential
(or difference) equations, differential geometry, integrable systems,
and dynamical systems theory. In some cases, (especially for
those new to these fields) supporting documentation will
be requested. Please apply to

        Nalini Joshi
        Dept of Pure Mathematics
        University of Adelaide
        Adelaide 5005 Australia
        (fax): +61 8 8303 3696

by 31 August 1997, for such support or to register for participation.