Lecture 1: Introduction to Morse theory
I will introduce the basics of Morse theory and give many examples to illustrate the theory. I will also touch on some generalisations of Morse theory due to Bott, Palais, Smale, Atiyah & Bott and Kirwan, and their applications.
Engineering & Maths EMG06 - Wednesday 11th July - 3-5pm
Lecture 2: Flow lines and the Morse complex
Modern interpretations of Morse theory use flow lines between critical points to obtain more information about the underlying manifold. In this lecture I will explain how to use flow lines to construct a Morse complex which computes the de Rham cohomology of a manifold.
Engineering & Maths EMG06 - Wednesday 18th July - 3-5pm
Lecture 3: Morse theory on singular spaces
In the final lecture I will talk about my recent work to develop a Morse theory for singular spaces, and describe some applications to moduli spaces of quivers with relations.
Engineering & Maths EMG06 - Wednesday 25th July - 11 - 1pm