Institute for Geometry and its Applications, IGA special events in 2009

IGA special events in 2009

IGA workshops
The IGA hosted two workshops in 2009. One of these featured international speakers,
Workshop on Complex Geometry, 16-20 February 2009, and the other highlighted the work of early career researchers, Workshop on New Currents in Geometry in Australia, 16-18 November 2009.

IGA mini winter school
The IGA hosted a mini winter school, Geometry and Physics, 20-22 July 2009, where a series of expository lectures were organized, for students in both pure mathematics and mathematical physics, at the level of honours/beginning postgraduate students.

IGA Lecture series
There was a series of lectures in the month of February 2009, meeting twice weekly, given by Dr Partha Chakraborty, entitled, Towards Kontsevich's deformation quantization of Poisson manifolds.

IGA hosts Clay Lecturers
On September 25, 2009, the IGA hosted the Clay Lecturers, Dr Mohammed Abouzaid (MIT), Professor Danny Calegari (Caltech), and the Fields medallist Professor Terry Tao (UCLA), who were sponsored by the Clay Mathematics Institute. The first two gave talks at the IGA Differential Geometry seminar, and Terry Tao gave the Clay-Mahler lecture at the School of Mathematical Sciences colloquium.